Considering Yarn… [NaBloPoMo]


Look at that lovely stuff!I have to say, as I approach my first Holiday Season as a crocheter and proto-knitter, I’m struggling a bit with veganism and yarn.  I’ve been a vegan for more than 4 years, and I don’t buy wool – with the *possible* exception of second hand.  However I really do like a good wool yarn.  I don’t know if that’s a side effect of having a mom who knitted with wool when I was a kid or what.  Maybe so.

There are a lot of synthetics out there, but then I worry about the environmental impact their creation makes.  On the other hand, cotton is a very water intensive crop for most farmers.  It can be done “dry” but then one is looking at organic yarn, which is a bit beyond my budget at the moment.  Actually, a lot of better yarns are beyond my budget at the moment. o.0  So I’m mostly stuck *wanting* to get fancy vegan yarns (bamboo, soy, etc.) but actually purchasing affordable synthetics.

Today I’m going hunting for affordable yarn I can use to create the Delicate Web Wrap from Hooked Throws.  You can see the pattern at Lion Yarn (it’s free) or at Ravelry.  (I was a bit freaked out to see errata at the Lion site – hope that’s not par for the course for my chosen projects from this book!!)  I have some ideas, and I hope I can find what I need – I’m hoping to make this for a relative for Christmas!  Wish me luck! ^_^

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