Category Archives: Knitting

The Hook and I Disagree…


Well, I’ve tried, and tried, but the whole crochet thing is just too uncomfortable right now.  I’ve switched to trying to relearn knitting (I was a kid last time I really made a go of it).  So far, it’s much better, though my technique is pathetic, haha.  I was really getting discouraged with my lack of crafting moxie.  Hopefully things will keep going in the same vein!!

I Think I’m in Love…. ^_^


allg-ip-cp-350x345-50 Via the Persnickety Knitter, I found this lovely guy.  Wow!  Not that I have any hope of something that glorious any time soon, but a gal can dream, yes?  ^_^  Anyway, hope P.K. doesn’t mind me borrowing the picture – what a lovely image and what great inspiration!!

Fruit from a New Obsession…


As I’m wont to do with a new/refreshed interest in something, I’m going hogwild with the internet research!  I thoughtWicked Crochet Toast Purse from Bitter Sweet I’d share some of the interesting links I’ve found, hopefully both for other’s interest, but also for future reference for me.  ^_^

Firstly I love the free patterns page over at BitterSweet, the blog of My Sweet Vegan author Hannah Kaminsky.  I totally gotta crochet a toast purse, just for fun, ya know.

On a more practical level I recently discovered these knitted fruit cozies in an old Vegan Lunch Box post.  Protecting fruit in a lunch box or briefcase is practical, but these are really cute and fruit-specific.  She’s included a link to the banana cozy design she came up with.

Along those lines, I’ve recently discovered Amigurumi.  How could I have missed that?  Seriously, ask my sister – I shouldn’t have missed that. 😛

I can totally see creatures from the oddball to the kawaii manifesting themselves on the end of my crochet hook.  Hurrah!  New goal!

Oh, and speaking of kawaii, I’m really looking forward to making kitty beds.  We’ve got kitties, my sister has a kitty, my folks have kitties….And then there’s always my local kitty rescue groups.  Ah, but as that’s in the future – I mean I’m nowhere near ready to knit that sort of thing, I will have to settle for this awesome page full of happy cats experiencing knitted bliss.

Margaret's Kitty, from the Gallery. Click da kitty to go her blog....

On my way!


Woot!  I went ahead and ordered some goodies at Amazon.  My sweet folks sent me a gift certificate for my birthday, and after a lot of back and forth, I decided to spend some of it on something other than bulk food.  (Hey – our budget is tight. :P)

So, anyway, I got a killer deal on some olive oil, bought a renewable coffee filter (WHY can’t I find one around here?) and also Renee Loux‘s latest book, which is a great resource for folks trying to live greener lives – read part of it while visiting with my folks.  But then I got Stitch ‘N Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook and Stitch ‘N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker which both seem like not-so-serious fun.  I also got Knitting: Learn to Knit Six Great Projects and Crochet: Learn to Crochet Six Great Project, both by Klutz. Yeah, I know those are kids’ kits, but they come with some basic supplies and get really good ratings for explaining things. And this way I’ll have some yarn and needles right away, which is good for da budget.  I know I have at least part of a crochet hook kit around here somewhere, but who knows where. o.0

Now to figure out where to get more (vegan) yarn to play with.

Stitch ‘N Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook


Anybody familiar with this one?  I crocheted and knitted a tiny bit when I was a kid – I was thinking about picking it back up, but I’d need a good book/website as a place to start.  This seems like a good one, but I’d be thrilled to hear opinions.

I absolutely love the URL for the website book