Tag Archives: Twitter



Haha – long time no blog! I guess I have a lot of irons in the fire at the moment! I’m trying to get organized, but it’s really an uphill struggle, especially on a ridiculously tight budget with too little space. (Five of us in a house with inadequate storage. :P)

Anyhoo – I’m looking to re-stoke my personal creative fires.

I’ve started a twitter feed specific to creative endeavors (crafts, quilting, cooking, etc.).  Mostly that means a whole bunch of folks I’m following — I’m hoping to absorb inspiration osmotically. 😀

I’m also sifting through the blogosphere. Via the The Quilted Librarian‘s blogroll, I’ve found a whole bunch of new goodies, blog-wise.  I’m especially grateful to have found Attic24 – not only is her blog lovely and fun to read, but Ms. Lucy’s blogroll is also full of yummy goodness!  I have so much juicy new stuff to read and follow!  Hurray!

The happily expecting Ms. Lucy would like you to see the lovely ripple baby blanket she has just finished making! ^_-

The happily expecting Ms. Lucy would like you to see the lovely ripple baby blanket she has just finished making! ^_-